Communiqué of the AOCICC

The Anglican–Old Catholic International Coordinating Council

Internationaler Anglikanisch/Altkatholischer Koordinierungsrat


Communiqué 2023

Paris, 14 September 2023

Holy Cross Day

The Anglican–Old Catholic International Coordinating Council (AOCICC) met in Paris, France, from 12 to 15 September 2023. The meeting was hosted by the Anglican Communion and convened at the United Protestant Church in Courbevoie. 

The meeting opened with a conversation with Archbishop Bernd Wallet of the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands (Union of Utrecht, present in Paris) and Bishop Robert Innes of the Diocese of Gibraltar in Europe (Church of England, present online) about how the Council could best support them in their ministry.  Bishop Mark Edington of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe (TEC) was unfortunately unable to take part in this conversation. The Council shared and discussed safeguarding arrangements and training in their respective churches. The further work of the meeting centred on identifying priorities from the mandate for the current phase of the Council’s work. Particular attention will be given to the ecumenical conversations in which Anglicans and Old Catholics are engaged, including the full communion relationships that Anglicans and Old Catholics have with each other and with other churches. Building on the work of the previous mandate, the Council will also draft a survey of the member churches, seeking to understand how they are responding to the challenges of a world in crisis.

Members of the Council are grateful for the hospitality of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris and the staff of Notre Dame Cathedral – particularly to Mgr Ribadeau Dumas and Olivier Josse – for the opportunity to learn about the restoration and reordering of the cathedral prior to its re-opening in 2024. 

The Council would also like to thank the Revd Jane Stranz of the United Protestant Church in Courbevoie and her husband Dr Stephen Brown of the WCC for allowing the Council to worship in the church and to meet in the adjacent parish centre, for sharing their ecumenical insights, and for providing delicious meals. Dr Natacha Tinteroff (Institut Catholique de Paris) expertly assisted in preparing, supporting and accompanying the Council’s meeting, particularly the excursion to central Paris.

For further information, please contact the Revd Neil Vigers ( or the Revd Ruth Tuschling (

Websites: and

Members of the Council


The Rt Revd Peter Eagles (Co-Chair)

Mrs Jenny Knudsen

The Revd Dr Tess Kuin-Lawton

The Revd Prof. Charlotte Methuen

The Revd Neil Vigers (Co-Secretary)

Old Catholic

Bischof Dr Harald Rein (Co-Chair)

Vikarin Revd Dorothee Hahn 

Prof. Dr Andreas Krebs

Pfarrvikarin Dr Ruth Tuschling (Co-Secretary, present online)

Priester ThDr Petr Jan Vinš