Old Catholic ‘Summer School’ in Utrecht

In 2019 a summer school in Old Catholic theology in its Ecumenical Context will be offered again, from 7-12 July. The course offers a concise introduction to the theology, history, and spirituality of the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht. Taught in the beautiful medieval city of Utrecht, students will study with the faculty of the Old Catholic Seminary based there. The course includes excursions to an Old Catholic parish, to the Catharijneconvent, the main Dutch museum of religious art, and through the city of Utrecht itself. For more information, see https://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl/courses/culture/old-catholic-theology-in-its-ecumenical-context, or contact the course director, prof. dr. Peter-Ben Smit (p.b.a.smit@uu.nl). University and permanent education credits can be earned through this course.

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