Communiqué of the meeting of the International Anglican/Old Catholic Co-ordinating Council 2019

The Anglican–Old Catholic International Coordinating Council (AOCICC) met in the central European capital city of Prague, Czech Republic, from 16 to 19 January 2019. The meeting was hosted by the Union of Utrecht. This was the seventh and final meeting of the Council under its current mandate (2013–2019).

The work of this meeting centred on:

  • finalising the Report of the Anglican–Old Catholic International Coordinating Council 2013–2019to the Anglican Consultative Council and the International Bishops’ Conference;
  • the importance of and progress made in Safeguarding in both Communions;
  • formulating recommendations for the next mandate of the AOCICC.

The Council was invited to a meeting with Cardinal Dominik Duka OP, Archbishop of Prague, and Auxiliary Bishop Václav Malý at the Archbishop’s palace. Members of the council appreciated the opportunity to learn from them about the challenges the Czech Churches faced throughout the 20th century and to the present day. Worshipping together has always been integral to the meetings of the Council. Alongside the Daily Office (celebrated alternatively according to the Anglican or Old Catholic tradition), the Council celebrated the Eucharist in the Old Catholic tradition at the Old Catholic Cathedral of St Lawrence in Prague, at the invitation of the Dean the Revd ThDr. Petr Jan Vinš. The Council thanks him, the bishop of the Old Catholic Church of the Czech Republic, the Rt Revd PhDr Pavel Benedikt Stránský, and the Bishop’s Office in Prague for organising and hosting the meeting.

For further information, please contact the Revd Neil Vigers ( or the Revd Lars Simpson (

Websites: and

Members of the Council:


of the Anglican Communion

The Right Revd Michael Burrows, Co-Chair

The Revd Jennifer Adams-Massmann (not present)

The Right Revd David Hamid

Ms Jennifer Knudsen

The Revd Tony Litwinski

The Revd Canon Dr John Gibaut, Anglican Communion Office (not present)

The Revd Neil Vigers, Co-Secretary, Anglican Communion Office

Ms Lucy Cowpland, Administrator for Communications & Unity, Faith, and Order, Anglican Communion Office


of the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht

The Right Revd Dr Dirk Jan Schoon, Co-Chair

The Revd Professor Dr Angela Berlis

The Revd ThDr. Petr Jan Vinš

The Revd Lars Simpson, Co-Secretary