Utrecht and Uppsala together in Europe

On Saturday afternoon, 20th January 2018, the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht and the Church of Sweden will celebrate their new church communion, the fruit of ten years of intensive dialogue. The day’s programme is in two parts: a presentation of the historic agreement and a liturgical celebration of church unity. Now, five hundred years after the Reformation, both Church families are hoping this event will help them see beyond the tightly drawn dividing lines of the past, to realise and experience that true unity is possible today.

The programme: The afternoon starts at 13.30 (1.30 p.m.) with a public presentation of the report of the dialogue “Utrecht and Uppsala on the way to communion”. Representatives from various churches and countries will speak about the importance of church unity for the future. The language used will be English, with a written translation in Dutch. This is followed by a coffee break.

At 15.30 (3.30 p.m.) the festive Sung Eucharist begins. Archbishop Joris Vercammen will preside, and the sermon will be given by Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of Uppsala. This celebratory service is multi-lingual. A reception will be held after the service.

Both parts of the programme are open to all comers and a cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested. It is possible to participate in either, or both, parts of the event.  

The event will be held in the St Gertrude Cathedral and Congress Centre located at ‘in de Driehoek’ on the Willemsplantsoen in Utrecht. The venue is a few minutes’ walk from Utrecht Central Station (take the Moreelsepark exit).


Venue Address

In de Driehoek, congres – en vergadercentrum (Congress and Conference Centre)

Ste. Getrudiskathedraal

Willemsplantsoen 1c – 2

3511 LA Utrecht


For more information

Bisschoppelijk Bureau (Bishop’s Office)

033 – 462 08 75 (weekdays to 12.30 p.m.)

Nieuwscategorie: News