Visit to the Philippines

Archbishop Dr. Joris Vercammen paid an official visit to our sister church on the Philippines from 23 September to 5 October 2012. During the first part of the visit he gave lectures at the diocesan seminaries and addressed the bishops’ conference of the Philippine Independent Church (IFI), honouring the martyrs who fought for the poor and disadvantaged and naming them as role models for all.


An international church conference took place on 2 and 3 October. It focused on the political murders of recent years that have still not been followed up by the legal authorities (with a negative impact on the IFI). The Philippine church organised the conference to commemorate Bishop Alberto Ramento, who was murdered in 2006. Below you can read Archbishop Vercammen’s address to the conference and the lecture by Prof. Franz Segbers from Germany, who also attended the conference.

Commemoration of Bishop Ramento by Archbishop Vercammen

Lecture of Prof. Dr. Franz Segbers

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