Synod of the Old-Catholic Church of the Netherlands

On Saturday 20 November 2010, the annual general Synod of the Old-Catholic Church of the Netherlands met in Hilversum. This 82nd Synod agreed to a new way of calculating the parish share to the diocese. In the new system, more emphasis is put on local financial support for the ordained ministry. Should parishes find the changeover difficult, a solidarity fund will be available for an interim period.

Bishops and other members of the collegial executive (Collegiaal Bestuur) presented the policy plan for the years 2011 – 2013. Archbishop Joris Vercammen said that growth depends on the awareness of being able to grow, on the belief that  investing in ourselves is an effort worth making.

Synod decided the age limit for volunteers will be raised from 70 to 72; above that age, any volunteer needs dispensation from the local Bishop.

Synod also agreed to make amendments in church law so as to be in tune with new rulings for registered charities.

A staff member of IKV/Pax Christi, Edwin Ruigrok, informed synod about ongoing peace work in Ethiopia and across the world.

Into the synod executive (presidium) was elected an experienced member of synod, Corina Zomervrucht (lay member, Dordrecht).

The next session of general Synod will be held in November 2011.

Nieuwscategorie: News