Order of the Ecumenical Cistercian monastery of St Severin and German Old-Catholic Church go separate ways

In an official letter to the German Old-Catholic Bishop Dr. Matthias Ring, Abbot Klaus Schlapps declared that the Order of the Ecumenical Cistercian Monastery of St Severin can no longer stay under the jurisdiction of the German Diocese. There are too great differences concerning important traditions and views essential to the Order.

Therefore the Order of St Severin asked for a separation in peace. In a telephone call Bishop Ring and Abbot Schlapps have agreed that this letter is to be understood as notice of the former agreement between the German Diocese and the Ecumenical Order of St Severin.

Those members of the Order staying Old-Catholics won`t change in their status unless further clarifications to be made in the next time.

Ralph Kirscht

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